Ordering Policy
 Secure Online Ordering:

Sending your credit card information over the Internet can be a big step for 1st time Internet shoppers. However, consider this: when you hand your credit card to a sales clerk, waiter, or gas station attendant, you are trusting them with your credit card. They are the "middlemen" when you make a transaction. Shopping online on a secure site like EasyIntermittentFasting.com eliminates the "middlemen".

Millennial Marketing, LLC wants you to feel confident and comfortable that your purchase is transacted with the utmost security. We employ the Internet's strongest security technologies, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provided by Apache System Security.

We process your online order through STRIPE, our primary ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSOR. Their credit card processing is incredibly safe and secure. However, if you prefer to use our offline (Virtual) merchant account processor (Intuit), we can take your order over the phone or email you an invoice. Our secure virtual terminal boasts the VeriSign secure server authenticity certificate - a name known for trust on the Internet. Additionally, we accept PayPal and Google Wallet. If you prefer PayPal or Google Wallet, email us and we will send you a payment link.

Please note, your private and secure information is never sent via email or any other unsecure format. The transactions are protected by the highest levels of encryption available to ensure security and privacy. The information is encrypted on your computer, sent through the Internet as jumbled code, and decoded on EasyIntermittentFasting.com's secure server. It cannot be read in transit.

If you have specific questions about our secure online ordering that we have not answered, please contact us. We will be happy to assist in any way possible.

Your credit card statement will reflect a charge by:  Millennial Marketing, LLC.

*** Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank can not hold you liable for more than $50 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50,  EasyIntermittentFasting.com will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50.

EasyIntermittentFasting.com will only cover this liability if the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted through no fault of your own for purchases made at EasyIntermittentFasting.com while using our secure server.

In the event of unauthorized use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures.
Ron Duval
Owner, Millennial Marketing, LLC
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